Thursday, August 23, 2012

Figured it Out

I'm sorry for the delay. It's been a long week for me with, well, stuff.
In any case I have a new caption and hope it is enjoyed. I experimented with format a bit here. Not wild experimentation by any means, but different from what I've done so far. Please feel free to comment.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I don't want to get into the 'Sorry for not posting more-doesn't post enough' cycle, but I am sorry. I blame the Olympics where the lovely ladies and thoroughly well toned boys of the American volleyball and water polo teams have held me enraptured. Seriously committing to watching the Olympics is probably as close to Olympic level competition that I'll get any time soon. It will also probably keep me busy for a few days more.
In any case, I have a submission for you all tonight. Please enjoy.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

More blabbing about the olympics and 'Are you guys idiots?'

I can't even tell you guys how much I'm enjoying the Olympics. Volleyball is probably my favorite sport, but I've been catching beets of kayaking, judo, and boxing. And of course everyone loves swimming and gymnastics. It was great to see the Brit team take bronze in the gymnastics, but I definitely feel like they got robbed.
In any case, I'm trying not to let my love of the Olympics (and the fact that there's over sixty hours of footage a day and I only have six hours a day after work and sleep) get in the way of my new hobby. Please enjoy a new inversion.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Though I'm new at this, my output may slow a bit over the next two weeks. You see, I LOVE the Olympics and it's only when there isn't something I follow on that I'll be able to caption. The problem is that I follow everything. Kerri and Misty were awesome as usual. They struggled against the Australians and didn't look like the undisputed greatest volleyball team in the world like they have in the past, but they pulled it off. Hopefully they just need to pick up steam. Michael Phelps was dethroned, which I think we all saw coming.
It's a shame the host nation hasn't meddled yet. And seriously, who saw Kazakhstan walking away (riding away?) with that gold. The British men's gymnastics team is looking sharp though.

That said, enjoy today's offering.

Friday, July 27, 2012

I'm waiting

A new day a new post. I've spent so long reading these things that a couple inversions of the ordinary tropes are kicking around in my head. I'll try to spread them out over time as I'm sure this sort of thing would get tiresome if done regularly.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Evie turns Abby

In addition to promoting me on her page, Evie went a step further and made me an entirely squishy feeling inducing caption. I hope she enjoys my attempt to return the favor.


Adding Experience

I'm not actually planning on really updating until later tonight. But Evie, who was a doll and promoted me on her site pointed out how my comments didn't seem to be enabled. I'm not much of a computer person and the whole time I was trying to fix it I was just wishing there was this button...

I didn't have as hard a time as John up there, I mean Joan. But exaggeration is the key to good story telling.


For some reason I decided to start right off the bat with a series. That reason may be that I'm over-ambitious. It also may be that when I was first reading tg captions my favorite captioneer, Argus now Evie, was creating some amazing series. And I reckon that those were what I wanted to emulate, or at least create in my own way.
Also, my first two posts have three pictures of redheads. This is not a coincidence. It's not a hard and fast rule, but I'd bet good money it will be a trend.

First post - Turquoise Eyes

So I'm starting this wacky new blog thing and I'm pretty excited. I've been a long time lurker when it comes the tg caption scene and I finally decided to jump in. And, exactly three hours into this adventure I can tell you this. Never again, not once, will I bitch about how long it takes these captioneers to get their material out. Not out loud, not online, not in my head. This is time consuming stuff. And I imagine as I get better it will only take longer.

Please, comments, suggestions, and the like are welcome. I'm new at this and the primary way I imagine I'll get better is with a constructive audience. Or, you know, an audience at all. One thing at a time I suppose.