Tuesday, July 31, 2012

More blabbing about the olympics and 'Are you guys idiots?'

I can't even tell you guys how much I'm enjoying the Olympics. Volleyball is probably my favorite sport, but I've been catching beets of kayaking, judo, and boxing. And of course everyone loves swimming and gymnastics. It was great to see the Brit team take bronze in the gymnastics, but I definitely feel like they got robbed.
In any case, I'm trying not to let my love of the Olympics (and the fact that there's over sixty hours of footage a day and I only have six hours a day after work and sleep) get in the way of my new hobby. Please enjoy a new inversion.


  1. Very clever caption. Keep up the naughty work;)

  2. Well, I can't say that I'd have passed on using a wish, but I sure wouldn't complain about being one of the 'Three Amigas'!

