Friday, November 22, 2013

'A Third Thought'

I finished this one and suddenly realized that there was no explicit tg in it. If you so choose you may imagine the main character was male before whatever befell her, but then again I suppose I never claimed all of my captions were going to be tg.


In the time since my last post a number of bright lights among captioners seem to have gone out in part or fully. It is a shame and I miss them at the same time that I wish them well in whatever endeavors they are embarked on now.
I am sure, however, that I am not the only person missing their productivity and rather than simply mourn their losses I've finally decided to finish a couple caps I've had on the backburner (oh, that word just made me sad). I'm extremely busy in my life right now, so it may well be another six months until I cap again, but I hope somebody enjoys these efforts.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Wishhunter II

And after six months a caption suddenly appears!

It's been a while since I touched this and I rather wonder at whether anyone will notice a renewed effort after half a year. However, when the bug bites, you have to scratch.
I hope this represents a renewed commitment to this unorthodox art form, but my previous performance leaves me doubtful. Let me rather say that i enjoyed making this and I have ideas for tomorrow.
Please, if anyone is still interested, make yourself heard in the comments as well as making any suggestions you feel appropriate.