Thursday, July 26, 2012


For some reason I decided to start right off the bat with a series. That reason may be that I'm over-ambitious. It also may be that when I was first reading tg captions my favorite captioneer, Argus now Evie, was creating some amazing series. And I reckon that those were what I wanted to emulate, or at least create in my own way.
Also, my first two posts have three pictures of redheads. This is not a coincidence. It's not a hard and fast rule, but I'd bet good money it will be a trend.


  1. Ooooh, nice little series. Loved the gradual transition and she's now a total slut. Mmmmh, great stuff Abi...

  2. Very nice.

    And you sure won't hear me complain about an abundance of redheads... ♥

  3. Very nicely done. I enjoyed the gradual mental shift.
